Buddy Fresh By Betagro
Buddy Fresh By Betagro
UX / UI Design
Website Development
UX / UI Design
Website Development
“How might we 
incorporate data to create the perfect recipes over time, aligning with the dog’s changing preferences and health requirements?”
“How might we incorporate data to create the perfect recipes over time, aligning with the dog’s changing preferences and health requirements?”
Limited options, leading to frustration as they couldn't find meals that suited their dogs’ tastes and needs. The absence of freshness in these options meant pets were not getting the best, most nutritious meals. Highlighting the need for a more diverse and fresh approach in the pet food industry.
Limited options, leading to frustration as they couldn't find meals that suited their dogs’ tastes and needs. The absence of freshness in these options meant pets were not getting the best, most nutritious meals. Highlighting the need for a more diverse and fresh approach in the pet food industry.
Buddy Fresh revolutionized dog food shopping, offering personalized, fresh options. Pet owners created unique meal plans addressing their pets’ needs, backed by valuable insights on nutrition and weight management. The platform also featured a DIY section for crafting custom recipes at home, ensuring a convenient, educational, and tailored experience.
Buddy Fresh revolutionized dog food shopping, offering personalized, fresh options. Pet owners created unique meal plans addressing their pets’ needs, backed by valuable insights on nutrition and weight management. The platform also featured a DIY section for crafting custom recipes at home, ensuring a convenient, educational, and tailored experience.
My Buddy achieved streamlined customization, resulting in happier, healthier pups. Pawrents reported improved pet health, weight management success, and a stronger bond through shared cooking experiences.
My Buddy achieved streamlined customization, resulting in happier, healthier pups. Pawrents reported improved pet health, weight management success, and a stronger bond through shared cooking experiences.
Development by Betagro
Development by Betagro
Sand Studio Team
Sand Studio Team